Register now: 2023 Hyundai Skill Acquisition Program

Registrations are open for the 2023 Hyundai Skill Acquisition Program (SAP).

The Hyundai SAP is a participation-based learning program that supplements club training with an additional training session per week, delivered by Football West qualified coaches.

The sessions, which are open to boys and girls, are not a trial; rather a chance for youngsters to enjoy the next steps of their development.


SAP is based on the four core skills:

  • Striking the ball: this includes all forms of striking the ball such as short/long passing, shooting, and crossing
  • First touch: controlling the ball with all allowed body parts
  • One-v-one: all moves, feints and accelerations to get past and away from an opponent
  • Running with the ball: at speed (with a lot of space) or dribbling (in tight areas). This includes techniques for protecting the ball and changing direction

The age range of the program is 9-12 years (born 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014). All sessions for the 2023 Hyundai SAP will be at Gibbney Reserve on Saturday mornings between February and September during the first three school terms. 

Girls and boys will train in their own groups at the following times:

Girls U9/U10
Boys U9/U10

Girls U11/U12
Boys U11/U12

The cost for the 2023 Hyundai SAP is $418 (inc GST), which includes a full kit.

Registrations are open until Friday 23 December 2022, or until the program has reached the maximum number of participants.

Please direct all inquiries to

Hyundai Australia is the name sponsor of the SAP