SAP Session – Game 3

SAP Session – Game 3

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CORE SKILLS –Striking the Ball, 1v1

Grid Size:

• 20m x 16m*

*Guide only, adjust accordingly.


• 12


• Divide players into three teams and set up as shown [Pic.1].

Soccer players in formation.

• The Coach begins the game by playing a ball into the area.

• The Blues are looking to score in the goal at the bottom end and the Reds at the top end.

• The Yellows provide a Goalkeeper at each end and a bouncer on either side.

• Goals can be scored anywhere on the pitch, however they are weighted according to distance.

• If a player scores in the zone closest to the opponents goal it’s worth 1 point (e.g. a tap in).

• If a player scores from the middle zone, his team are awarded 2 points [Pic.2].  

Soccer players in formation.

•  If a player scores from the zone furthest from the opponents goal it’s worth 3 points (e.g. a screamer).

•  Play quick rounds of 3 minute games.

•  The team with the most points stays on and the other two teams swap.

More Advanced:

•  No points for goals scored in the closest zone.

•  Points only count for a first time finish.

Less Advanced:

•  Rather than bouncers, both players join in the game as neutrals to create an overload (6v4).

Other possibilities:

•  First team to 5 points is the winner.

•  When the bouncers receive the ball, they can enter the field and play (5v4) until they release the ball. Upon releasing/shooting they will return to the outside.